Natural yellow sapphire is a rare gemstone, and it can range in price from several thousand to several lakhs of rupees, depending on the quality of cut, clarity, and color. The country with the highest production of untreated gemstones is Sri Lanka, which has a long history of producing rare Pukhraj, or light yellow or golden sapphire. India is a large market for Ceylon Pukhraj. The price of a Ceylon Pukhraj stone in India can go up to 1.5 lakhs per carat, depending on the clarity, cut, and color of the stone.The natural yellow sapphire price is depending on its quality, sizes and originality.


A natural yellow sapphire price will depend on its quality, cut and clarity. Gemstones with vivid yellow colour are more valuable than those with dull yellow hues. The size of a rare gemstone will also affect its price. Larger stones will cost more than small ones. A clear gemstone will command a higher price per carat.

Yellow sapphire is a popular gemstone in India, where it is used in planetary gem therapy. Its benevolent energy is associated with the planet Jupiter. It is often worn as a talisman and can be set in gold. This will allow you to harness the benevolent energies of the stone.

The rarity of a yellow sapphire is also another factor that drives up the price. This is because a decent-quality yellow sapphire is rare, and the market for such stones is extremely high. As a result, the price of a stone of this type can go up to 50,000 per carat.


When it comes to purchasing a fine-quality yellow sapphire, the choice of the color should be based on personal preference. Many people prefer a medium canary tone, while others would prefer a deeper, richer shade. Regardless of your preferences, you'll find a variety of quality yellow sapphires at stores like James Allen. And while yellow sapphires are not as widely available as blue sapphires, they are still very affordable.

Natural red pukhraj stone

The most valuable yellow sapphires are those that have not been heated up. This is because the inclusions that make these stones valuable are destroyed by the high-temperature heating process. Trained gemologists can easily identify the inclusions that are present in an untreated natural yellow sapphire.

Another important factor that affects the value of a yellow sapphire is its clarity. Unheated yellow sapphires are clearer than those that have been heated up. The resulting clarity and depth of color makes these gemstones more expensive than synthetic Pukhraj stones.


Yellow sapphire prices vary depending on quality and size. Larger stones with unheated yellow sapphires are rare and valuable. Most other Natural red pukhraj stone are heat-treated to enhance their color, usually with beryllium, which produces its vivid hue. A more vivid color will also increase the stone's price. Lastly, the color of a yellow sapphire is largely dependent on the cut and finish of the stone. The better the cut and finish, the more valuable the stone will be.

Yellow sapphires are found in a number of different locations. The most common source is Sri Lanka (Ceylon). There are also a few other countries, such as Brazil, that produce fine stones. However, the supply of fine stones in this color is not as tight as that of other sapphire colors.

Foil-backed sapphire price differs greatly depending on the location of the stone's extraction process. Previously, only one producer has operated in the region. The company produced sapphires from the original Yogo Gulch deposit and from an extension of the dike. However, the third producer is a collection of hobbyists. Although the two other producers produce more sapphires, the value of the stone in Yogo Gulch has consistently been higher.

Carat weight

The price of a yellow sapphire depends on the quality of its cut, color and carat weight. The yellow sapphire with the most vibrant color tone will command the highest price. It is rare to find a natural yellow sapphire that is flawless. However, you can find natural yellow sapphires that are extremely fine in color.

Yellow sapphire is a valuable gemstone, and is one of the most popular in Vedic astrology. It is commonly worn for prosperity and success, and is also associated with marital bliss. It is also used to enhance will power and progeny. However, its astrological properties cannot be maximized without the proper energization. An experienced astrologer will perform the energization process.

Yellow sapphires are available in a variety of cuts, from round to oval, cushion, emerald, and princess. There are also specialty cuts available, such as the Asscher cut.